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GNSS positioning correction service

Designed to meet the unique needs of our customers by providing reliability and accurate positioning.


Global GNSS correction service.

Topnet Live is a real-time GNSS correction service that delivers high-quality data to GNSS receivers around the globe. Sold through aftermarket, system integrators and OEM channels, the service can be used in a variety of applications including survey, construction, GIS, mapping and agriculture. With the emergence of IoT-enabled devices, correction services offer even more industries seamless connectivity.


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Compatible Options

Fully compatible with all models of network-capable rovers, a wide variety of subscription options are available for easy access through the Topnet Live website. Topcon Positioning Group operates and monitors all Topnet Live networks. Topcon’s geodetic specialists and professional standards ensure high-quality correction data is delivered to each GNSS receiver.


Topnet Live is increasingly employed in high-profile construction projects in the shift away from on-site base stations. Large highway construction projects, airport runways and machine control operations all benefit from the reliable accuracy and performance of Topnet Live GNSS reference networks.

Truly global solution

Truly global solution

Topnet Live is a truly global solution, providing correction service anywhere with the combination of global PPP and regional GNSS reference networks.

Operated by Topcon

Operated by Topcon

Regional GNSS reference networks are operated by Topcon and our partners to provide coverage in all major regions of the world.

Seamless subscriptions

Seamless subscriptions

Customers can have a single subscription that provides borderless service which automatically switches between regional GNSS reference networks.

Reliable service

Reliable service

Topnet Live is managed by Topcon’s own network and geodesy experts, ensuring a precise and reliable alwayson service.

Flexible and tailored

Flexible and tailored

Our OEM GNSS boards can be preconfigured for immediate use by system integrators’ customers, with flexible subscription and licensing options to suit the exact need.

Fully scalable

Fully scalable

The entire solution is scalable, so system integrators do not need to limit locations or numbers of customers.


Technology Overview

In order to provide precise positioning accuracy, a GNSS receiver needs to compensate for inaccuracies caused by satellite constellations, receiver hardware and atmospheric conditions. These inaccuracies can be calculated by a network of fixed reference stations that constantly receive GNSS data.

This correction information is then broadcast to GNSS receivers as a service. Topnet Live is Topcon’s GNSS correction service and consists of the reference station network, correction calculation software and the correction broadcast service.

Positioning methods

Topcon manages, operates and monitors all Topnet Live reference networks.

Real-Time Kinematic positioning (RTK) is a method to enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning systems. RTK works through a network of local stations disbursed throughout countries. Single Base RTK provides correction from either a specific reference station or the nearest one, whereas Network RTK delivers the correction from a number of stations in a local network.

Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a method to calculate precise positions at the centimeter level using a single receiver in a global reference framework. PPP delivers high accuracy with slower start-up speed, but provides service anywhere on the planet, independent of local networks.



The Topnet Live correction service is broadcast to customer receivers in two ways:

  • NTRIP – The internet, typically using a mobile phone SIM card data link
  • L-Band – Direct broadcasting from a satellite 

Customers have both options and can use whichever is most convenient.

Data services

Data services

As an additional service, the raw data (RINEX) from the networks is available to download. There is also an online correction processing service for specialist applications.

Constant coverage

Constant coverage

Both RTK and PPP offer advantages and disadvantages. That's why Topcon designed and developed a service to provide its customers access to both systems simultaneously, even automatically switching between as reception changes. This means the customer always has the best of both systems and a truly global service.

Full-constellation service

Full-constellation service

The Topcon reference station network uses all four GNSS satellite systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galllieo and BeiDou. This ensures the best accuracy and reliability, often referred to as a full-constellation service.

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